Kanban … for sales
As experienced sales strategists we know that improvisation and ambiguity doesn’t enable salespeople - it limits them.
We leverage the Kanban principle of focusing on the work, not the people, with full transparency of the sales process in action. For better collaboration on sales across the company, more efficiency, and greater returns.
We begin by profiling your customers and reviewing with is working (and what is not) in your current sales approach.
We review what you are currently on track to deliver over the coming 6-12 months against what you want to achieve.
We work with you to draw up a realistic plan to address the difference - with clear milestones and targets.
We implement a cost-effective CRM - or optimize an existing system - vital to track and measure any improvements.
We work hands-on with you to implement the plan, helping you to build a sales pipeline, and populate your CRM.
We ensure you’re clear on what you need to do over the next few months to continue to embed the new process.
Sales is a process to be designed and managed like any other.
Once you know the recipe and take a systematic approach, sales becomes repeatable, accountable and effective. Work with us for three months - the optimum timeframe to deliver the most value to you, with the greatest efficiency for you - and see the difference when you see sales differently.